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Light blue and white lava stone restaurant

with 10x60 cm lava stone tiles and custom lava stone bar

cristalli C12 tiles, panorama P8 tiles, nuda NU10 tiles, natural lava stone top

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characteristics — danish design, hand-painted, made in italy

lava stone usage — all areas, indoor and outdoor

This restaurant features light blue Cristalli C12 lava stone tiles in the size 10x60x2 cm on the backwall and pure white Panorama P8 lava stone tiles in the same size on the floor. The custom bar is tiled with Nuda NU10 lava stone planks and custom Nuda NU10 lava stone worktops.

More inspiration

Cristalli C12 & Burnt Nuda NU10

Light blue lava stone bathroom

cristalli C12 tiles, glazed lava stone top, glazed lava stone basin 02

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hospitality H3 tiles

Panorama P7

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panorama P7 tiles, glazed panorama P7 lava stone top

Panorama P8

Pure white lava stone bathroom

glazed panorama P8 planks